Reach Into Phonics Level B Songs (a-n)
- A mole in a hole instrumental 0:33
- A mole in a hole 1:14
- abc sound song instrumental 4:54
- abc sound song 9:49
- are you the oldest one instrum 0:31
- are you the oldest one instrumental 0:31
- are you the oldest one 1:15
- At the fair instrumental 0:38
- At the fair 1:20
- at the pond instrumental 0:28
- at the pond 1:02
- buss and hiss instrumental 0:27
- buzz and hiss 0:55
- Dad and mop instrumental 0:23
- Dad and mop 0:50
- Dan can help instrumental 0:26
- Dan can help 0:56
- don't drop the crops instrumental 0:36
- don't drop the crops 1:21
- False Facts Instrumental 0:36
- False Facts! 1:14
- Five Little Bear Cubs instrumental 0:39
- Five Little Bear Cubs 1:26
- Fly an airplane instrumental 0:31
- Fly an Airplane 1:10
- food music instrumental 0:34
- food music 1:15
- fresh clean water instrumental 0:31
- fresh clean water 1:07
- fun with snow instrumental 0:32
- fun with snow 1:08
- going hiking instrumental 0:50
- going hiking 1:45
- grock grock instrumental 0:29
- grock grock 1:00
- help with work instrumental 0:24
- help with work 0:51
- homemade gifts instrumental 0:24
- homemade gifts 0:55
- horses and cars instrumental 0:46
- horses and cars 1:37
- House hunt instruemental 0:32
- House hunt 1:07
- if a kangaroo is happy instrumental 0:28
- If a kangaroo is happy 1:03
- invention song instrumental 0:38
- invention song 1:20
- little baby animals instrumental 0:39
- little baby animals 1:25
- little ducks instrumental 0:31
- little ducks 1:02
- little foxes instrumental 0:31
- little foxes 1:07
- map reader insturmental 0:30
- Map reader 1:06
- my heart's wish instrumental 0:30
- My Heart's Wish 1:06
- my mother's job instrumental 0:22
- my mother's job 0:46
- nine flamingos instrumental 0:26
- nine flamingos 0:58
Reach Into Phonics Level B Songs (o-z)
- Oh Boy instrumental 0:41
- Oh Boy! 1:26
- oh dear instrumental 0:30
- oh dear 1:05
- oh no instrumental 0:24
- oh no 0:50
- our egg ranch instrumental 0:29
- Our Egg Ranch 1:04
- Our hen instrumental 0:24
- Our hen 0:52
- our house instrum 0:23
- our house instrumental 0:23
- our house 0:52
- paw prints instrumental 0:25
- paw prints 0:54
- raindrops fall instrumental 0:30
- raindrops fall 1:06
- ready for rain instrumental 0:38
- ready for rain 1:20
- sit on a mat instrumental 0:21
- sit on a mat 0:45
- skunk and skink instrumental 0:33
- skunk and skink 1:07
- snow is due instrumental 0:39
- snow is due 1:24
- spend less instrumental 0:31
- spend less 1:04
- stars in the sky instrumental 0:38
- stars in the sky 1:21
- Strum and sing instrumental 0:24
- Strum and sing 0:54
- Taking trips instumental 0:32
- Taking Trips 1:09
- tap tap insrumental 0:17
- tap tap 0:41
- that's fishy instrumental 0:20
- that's fishy 0:45
- the alphabet song 0:45
- the fawn instrumental 0:42
- the fawn 1:28
- the hat instrumental 0:29
- the hat 1:03
- the rainbow instrumental 0:40
- the rainbow 1:21
- The Sheep Shearing Song Instrumental 0:40
- The Sheep Shearing Song 1:23
- the stubborn mule instrumental 0:36
- the stubborn mule 1:18
- the sun and the moon instrumental 0:32
- the sun and the moon 1:08
- the sun warms us instrumental 0:50
- the sun warms us 1:39
- this giraffe instrumental 0:29
- this giraffe 1:00
- this or that instrumental 0:30
- This or That 0:59
- three little ducklings instrumental 0:34
- three little ducklings 1:12
- three nice mice instrumental 0:40
- Three nice mice 1:25
- we are ladybugs instrumental 0:33
- we are ladybugs 1:06
- weather news instrumental 0:36
- weather news 1:19
- whack whiz wham instrumental 0:23
- Whack Whiz Wham 0:52
- whir goes the blender instrumental 0:54
- whir goes the blender insturm 0:54
- whir goes the blender 1:54
- Who lives at my house instrumental 0:43
- Who lives at my house 1:33